Eduardo Paixão
Hello and welcome to my personal website! My name is Eduardo Paixão, I’m an Archaeologist currently developing my research in the Laboratory for Traceology and Controlled Experiments (TraCEr) lab at MONREPOS, Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution, RGZM (https://web.rgzm.de/), in Germany (https://monrepos.rgzm.de/en/tracer/?). In the ICArEHB, Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour, University of Algarve, Portugal (http://www.icarehb.com/) and in The Institute of Archaeology, at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Currently my main research topics are focused in functional analyses of stone tools as the bridge to explore the dynamics and behaviours during the pre-history, and in the developments of new analytical approaches. I have been collaborating with several projects in Europe, Asia and Africa. In this web site, you can find frequent updates about my research and other materials such as methodological tutorials, news and other contents related with archaeology including field and lab work.
Keep in touch!

Past human dynamics
Early Paleolithic in Eastern Africa
Middle Paleolithic in the Levant
Paleolithic in Iberian Peninsula

Development of new experimental setups
Mechanized experiments

Analytical methods
Lithic analyses
Use-wear analyses
3D Quantification methods