Research Projects

Melka Wakena
Melka Wakena is a newly discovered site-complex on the Southeastern Ethiopian Highlands, dated to the second half of the early Pleistocene (~1.6 to >0.7 Ma). This project is exploring in a multidisciplinary approach Early Pleistocene population dynamics and their influence in the transformations of human behavior. This research project is led by Prof. Dr. Erella Hovers.

In EcoPLis we search for evidences dated between the earliest human presence to the end of Prehistory in the west coast of Europe. Our multidisciplinary team uses different state-of-the-art methods and equipment to collect high-resolution data from different archaeological sites, their vicinities and the surrounding landscape. This project is led by Prof. Dr. Telmo Pereira

Ground Stone tools in the Levant
This project explores the impact of Ground Stone Tool technology in the Middle Paleolithic of the Levant seeking to interpret their function using ground-breaking technology of analyses. Here are analyzed tools from the sites of Nesher Ramla, Far´ah II and Ein Qashish in a high resolution approach.

The project PaleoCoast, Paleolithic Human Coastal Adaptations in Southwestern Iberian Peninsula, aims to locate and identify coastal karst formation, and assess its speleological and geological characterization, and archaeological potential. This project is led by Prof. Dr. João Marreiros.